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Shapeshifters: Imagination is an activism. Give birth to universes and territories through digital creation and multidimensional practices


Art is a magical language that enables artists to resonate with the world and create constellations of meaning, spaces of possibility and change. Art is alive, and we artists are its mirrors, its storytellers. Shapeshifters, we shake the lines and our creative mediums allow us to embrace the power of poetry as an active vessel. 

The potential of our imaginations is infinite: to dream is not indolent nor naive. It's a force we can manifest to give birth to multidimensional universes where the immaterial and the material are communicating vessels. Through digital and multi-dimensional creation, we create unknown territories where mediums are intertwined, where narratives and representations count: they are the key to shape the future together.

Bora explores different mediums that together form a universe where imagination is an activism. A mirror of the present where one can reflect, with a burning wish to open a space for queer representations. Through digital creation, installation, sound or performance, their body of work investigates imaginary landscapes as a way of navigating our reality through tenderness. An attempt on deconstruction and acceptance that invites us to show ourselves as we are and invest our narratives. As Bora’s identity, their practice is multiple and transcend the link between their material and immaterial artistic work. Dimensions becomes fluid:
costume making, digital garments, sculptural objects, installations, and sonic explorations, all intertwined and shifting constantly.

Artist talk, 18.12.2024 / 2pm


