Kirils Ecis, Eliška Jahelková, Marlene Stahl, Daniel Stolzlederer
curated by Alexander Martinz
Exhibition: June 1 - June 29, 2022
Finissage: June 29, 2022, 7 pm
„Getting better“ is an organic process in which four artists enter the exhibition space of a gallery to form a communal body as well as a body of sound. The exhibition time will be used by the artists to develop and rehearse a cover version of Cass Elliot's song „It's Getting Better“. The musical, graphical and photographic material amounting during this time of „Getting Better“ will be exhibited at the finissage of the exhibition in the form of an audiovisual installation, depicting the process of developing a collective identity.
TRANS... genre, medium, context, discipline, materiality, aesthetics, identities, gender...
An exhibition series by the institute Transmedia Arts, University of Applied Arts Vienna at Georg Kargl Permanent
At the invitation of Georg Kargl Gallery, Jakob Lena Knebl and team of the Transmedia Arts department will design an exhibition series with students at Georg Kargl PERMANENT space, from April to December 2022.
The seven-part series is curated by the team of the class Transmediale Kunst, University of Applied Arts Vienna. The exhibitions will present works by students that have a kinship to their own artistic practice, as well as expertise of the individual members of the team. The aim is to make the diverse thematic fields and the methodological diversity of Transmedia Arts visible to a broad public.
A project by:
Transmedia Arts | Jakob Lena Knebl
University of Applied Arts Vienna
Hosted by
Exhibition venue:
Schleifmühlgasse 17
1040 Vienna / Austria