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Brigitte Kowanz Memorial Meetup


© kowanz.com

Wednesday 02.02.2022 Meeting at 14:00

in front of Universität für Angewandte Kunst 
We meet at Oskar Kokoschka Platz 2, Main entrance by the flagpoles

14:15 moment of silence and an opportunity to put some flowers, lights/ candles in front of the building
14:20-15:00 walk to Museumsquartier, Leopold Museum 
15:00-16:00 meeting in front of Leopold Museum ( looking up at Libelle) 

The class of Transmediale Kunst will provide some flowers, but please feel free to bring your own flowers, candles etc. 
The Memorial Meetup will be held outdoors nonetheless we still ask you to come tested and to wear a mask. 

Thank you,
Transmedia Arts 


