From the Corona virus, to the climate crisis, to migration issues, false reports and disinformation are spread.
What makes the lie or half-truth so attractive? What role do images also play in this? And how can we as a society be resistant to manipulation - what role can art also play? The lecture shows some mechanisms of deception and gives recommendations on how to promote enlightenment and empathy.
Ingrid Brodnig is a journalist and book author - her most recent publication was "Einspruch! Verschwörungsmythen und Fake News kontern – in der Familie, im Freundeskreis und online" (Brandstätter Verlag), which was picked up by numerous renowned media (e.g. "Spiegel", "Stern", "Standard", "NDR Info"). She regularly gives lectures and workshops on how to combat disinformation and hate speech on the internet. Her work has been awarded several prizes; for her work "Hate on the Net", for example, she received the Bruno Kreisky Special Prize for the Political Book. For the Austrian news magazine "Profil" she writes the weekly IT column #Brodnig. You can find more information at
The lecture will be held in german and take place on 15.12.2021 from 2.00pm via zoom.
If you are interested, please register by 14.12.2021 / 12.00 noon at
Ingrid Brodnig
The great deception